Find a Nurse Practitioner

Looking for a NP?

Looking for a NP? If you are seeking to engage the services of a Nurse Practitioner as a care provider in your health care team, we welcome you to visit our registry to find a nurse practitioner in your local area.

Finding a nurse practitioner is simple, search the number of kilometers from your chosen address, suburb or postcode, add any filters and search.

Your search will provide the phone, occupation, sector and specialty of work, email and essential information for nurse practitioners working close to you.


Please contact the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners at for additional details.

Terms and Conditions

  • Use of the NP Directory is pursuant to acceptance of the full Terms and Conditions and those of the ACNP website.
  • The NP Directory is not intended to be used by people who require urgent assistance or advice; and
  • The NP Directory is not an emergency service and the user should call 000 in the event of an emergency; and
  • The NP directory should not be used in any manner for marketing purposes; and
  • The views or opinions expressed by the listed members does not reflect the opinion of the ACNP.
